Welcome to High Littleton Church of England Primary School. We are delighted that your child has been offered a place at our school and that you have accepted the place. Please find below a range of information that will help you understand the process of starting school and how we can best support you during our induction process.
As you can appreciate, the current situation is making our usual induction process a challenging one. We will continue to update you as the days and weeks go by, both via this website but also via email. At present we are unable to offer the usual Parents Welcome meeting, children’s visits to school and Home Visits.
Below are a range of useful documents which we will also send out to you by email or by post:
Starting School Booklet
As parents, you are the ones who know your child best. In completing this booklet you will be sharing with us what you know about your child’s interests and achievements, and help us to establish the valuable link between home and school.
We hope your child will enjoy talking to you about the questions and have fun drawing the pictures. Please encourage the children to draw and write as much as possible.
Once completed, please return it to the school office at your earliest convenience.
Parents' Information Booklet
This booklet contains information about starting school and some suggestions and ideas that you may find useful.We hope they will help to establish the beginnings of a happy time at our school for you and your child.
Induction Evening Presentation
This is the presentation that we would normally share with parents during our Parent Information Evening. Please take some time to read through it as it gives you a sense of what you will need to know and will hopefully answer some of your questions or concerns.
MNSP Data Collection Sheet
This is an important document which you need to complete and return to school at your earliest convenience. The document will allow the school to have the required information about your child such as contact details and medical needs.
Forest Friday Permission, Rec Permission and Photo Consent
These consent forms enable your child to participate in offsite activities, with your permission, and give your preference for publishing photos of your child.